Arquivo de Janeiro, 2008


Mapas | Maps


O uso de mapas em sites informativos tem permitido dar uma nova perspectiva sobre alguns tipos de acontecimentos. Até os noticiários televisivos usam o Google Earth para nos levar até ao “onde”. Mas há sites que usam os mapas para criar hiper-localidade. No exemplo acima, o site GlobalIncidentMap mostra-nos onde ocorreram eventos terroristas e outras actividades suspeitas.

Mas há outras aplicações disponíveis: no Rotten Neighbor podemos conhecer a vizinhança antes de ir morar para o bairro, ou queixarmo-nos dos nossos vizinhos.

Outros projectos, talvez mais interessantes por aplicarem o conceito de hiper localidade, são o (offline desde o dia 1 de Fevereiro de 2008)e o EveryBlock , do Adrian Holovaty , onde a vida das cidades é analisada a partir do local onde as coisas aconteceram. O que levanta a questão se será que conhecemos as ruas onde passamos todos os dias?

De qualquer forma, o potencial do uso de mapas em sites dedicados a um tema específico é enorme. Em Portugal, o mapa que se aplicava já era o dos acidentes nas estradas. Alguém quer pensar nisso?

Maps use on the internet has allowed to take a whole new perspective over some types of events. Even the TV newsrooms use Google Earth to fly us to the “where”. But there are websites that use maps to create hyper-locality. In the example above, thw website GlobalIncidentMap shows us where terrorist events and other suspicious activities have occurred, around the world.

But there are other applications available for maps: at Rotten Neighbor we can “meet” the neighbors even before moving in to the neighborhood, or complain about the ones we already have.

Other projects, maybe more interesting as far the hyper local concept is concerned, are Adrian Holovaty‘s (offline from Feb 1st 2008) and EveryBlock, where city life is analyzed from where things happen. Which raises the question if we really know the streets we walk on everyday?

Anyway, the potential of maps in theme websites is huge.

In Portugal, the map we needed right now would be about road accidents. Does anyone want to take it?


disturbing-music-playing-punk.gif – offline  1/02/2008 –  porquê | why




E vejam como o usou um GoogleMap para uma notícia de última hora. (ler post aqui: A breaking news Google Map)


And see how the used a GoogleMap for a breaking news story. (read post here: A breaking news Google Map)




Audácia,inovação,ambição | Audacity,innovation,ambition

Manifesto de Pat Thornton | Pat Thornton’s Manifest

The audacity of ambition — and innovation

I don’t want to work for an industry that is content with the status quo.

I don’t want to work for an industry that is afraid of innovation.

I don’t want to work for an industry that blames its readers when things go bad.

I don’t want to work for an industry that is scared of risk — and success.

I don’t want to work for an industry that is scared of change.

I don’t want to work for an industry that is afraid to have a conversation with its users.

I don’t want to work for an industry that is content to die.

I want to work for an industry that believes in its audience.

I want to work for an industry that can admit it was wrong.

I want to work for an industry that has the audacity to innovate.

I want to work for an industry that always wants to improve, even when it’s on top.

I want to work for an industry that always strives to be the best.

I want to work for an industry that believes there is no such thing as good enough.

I want to work for an industry that puts innovation first.

If this is the last stand for the American Newspaper, I don’t want to go out without a fight. I want to shatter paradigms, destroy cherished icons and push the envelop of innovation. And if all those efforts fail, I want try again.

I don’t want to admit defeat without at least trying. If I lose, I want it to be because I had nothing left to give. I don’t want to lose because I decided it was too hard to win.

I want the audacity of ambition — and innovation.

What do you want?

-O mesmo | The same

visto|seen @ Defining ourselves



J – Podcasts : New Media

Shawn Smith do NewMediaBytes encontrou na OEDB uma lista de podcasts de cursos universitários dedicados a vários temas, dos quais seleccionou alguns para jornalistas new media. Grátis.


NewMediaBytesShawn Smith found at OEDB a “list of free podcasts for courses at creme de la creme universities“, dedicated to several themes, from which he selected a few for new media journalists. Free.

StanfordHuman-Computer Interaction: This course features a variety of speakers on interaction design.

The Future of the Internet: This course discusses the issues of network neutrality and ownership on the Internet.

UC BerkeleyFoundations of American Cyber-Culture: This course takes a look at computers, new media, and the world wide web.

The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: This course offers an introduction to programming and computer science.

Time, Money, and Love in the Age of Technology: In this course, you’ll take a look at the meaning of life, visionary business, and going beyond being human.

Search Engines: Technology, Society, and Business: Consider search psychology, economics, spam, and other topics relating to Internet search engines with this course.

MITMedia, Education, and the Marketplace: This set of video lectures discusses using interactive media to enhance education.

Principles of Digital Communication: In this course, you’ll focus on coding techniques for the Shannon limit of AWGN channels.

Introduction to Copyright Law: This course offers both an introduction to copyright law and general American law.

Harvard50 Years in Media: Changes in Journalism: You’ll hear from eight panelists from the Harvard Class of 1955 as they discuss the changes journalism has experienced in the past 50 years.

UCLASocial Psychology: This course takes on psychology as it relates to social situations.

Freshman Computer Science Seminar: You’ll get an introduction to important topics and key ideas for computer science and engineering with this course.

Other online courses:

Utah StateBlogs, Wikis, New Media for Learning: This course is designed to help you understand and effectively use a variety of “web 2.0″ technologies including blogs, RSS, wikis, social bookmarking tools, photo sharing tools, mapping tools, audio and video podcasts, and screencasts.

Flash: This course familiarizes students with Macromedia Flash. Topics to be covered include fundamental programming concepts

Open UniversityFinding Information on the Web: This unit will provide you with the foundation skills to use search engines confidently to locate both information and images on the Web.

@ Get edgimicated: Top university podcasts for new media journalists




Cursos online grátis | Free online courses

De escrita. Todos em inglês | Writing Courses

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (


MIT offers dozens and dozens of free writing courses online through the MIT OpenCourseWare initiative. Course topics include everything from writing fiction, poems and essays to analyzing all forms of literature. Lecture notes, videos, suggested reading lists and more will help you become the writer you want to be. No registration is required.

2. Utah State University (

Utah State University’s Department of English publishes three free courses devoted to the art of writing through the school’s OpenCourseWare program. The courses are extensive and may take up to 16 weeks to complete if you study at the average pace. No registration is required.

3. Open University (

The UK’s largest academic institution, Open University, offers a number of different writing courses through their OpenLearn website. The free curriculum includes both undergraduate and graduate level courses that are available to everyone regardless of your country of origin. No registration is required.

4. University of Utah (

The University of Utah’s English Department offers free courses to self-learners around the world. Currently, there are only two free writing courses. Both offer strong preparation in their topic and are built for beginners. No registration is required.

5. Western Governors University (

Western Governors University has made free course materials available through an open content license. There are several free writing courses courtesy of the university’s Liberal Arts Department. All courses are split into convenient self-study modules. No registration is required.

6. Purdue University (

Purdue University brought their writing lab to life online in 1994 to offer a writing resource to students no matter where they were located. Online Writing Lab (OWL) materials are now free to everyone regardless of location or student status. The OWL site offers writing instruction, grammar and usage information, individualized help from tutors and much more. No registration is required.

7. Steven Barnes’ UCLA Writing Course (

Best selling author and screenwriter Steven Barnes offers the free version of the writing class he has been teaching at UCLA for years on his website. The course offers in-depth instruction on writing, which is why Barnes suggests completing each part of the nine-week course one week at a time. Nevertheless, it can be downloaded all at once. No registration is required.

8. News University (

News University has a solid e-learning program designed to providing training to journalists. Most of the courses offered at News U are free, especially those that are self-directed. Courses cover everything from writing and editing to reporting and ethics. News U also offers a newsletter, a blog and other great resources. Registration is required, but it is free for everyone.

9. E-Zine University (

E-Zine University offers quite a few courses written by Internet publisher Kate Schultz and visiting professors. Although the courses offered at E-Zine University are designed mainly for web writers and e-zine writers, they would be helpful to almost any scribe. Courses are very short and do not take long to complete. No registration is required.

10. Wikiversity (

Wikiversity is an active learning project that encourages people to create and benefit from online courses and tutorials. There are currently several different writing courses that can be found at Wikiversity. Although these courses vary greatly in length and content, there is something for everyone. No registration is required.

Fonte|Source: Free online writing courses


Pressões invisíveis

Vodpod videos no longer available. from


No jornal da SIC à hora de almoço pude observar um momento de RP genial e subtil, ou então à conjunção de vários elementos que poderiam ter criado esse momento, se fossem propositados.

O directo era da SECIL, no Outão, e a jornalista falava sobre a queima de resíduos perigosos na cimenteira, no exterior de um dos fornos, junto à zona de descargas. Como é norma, a jornalista tinha equipamento de protecção: um capacete e um colete,ambos com o logo da SECIL. Depois, entrevista com o porta-voz da empresa, com o mesmo equipamento de protecção, mas sem o logótipo e a segurar junto ao peito de forma a que se visse bem duas revistas ou folhetos, provavelmente da comunicação interna da empresa, onde se lia “VALORIZAR” . O repórter de imagem variou o plano e filmou outra coisa qualquer, o porta voz dava de uma forma bastante veemente a informação que tinha a dar.

“E depois?”, deve ser a vossa pergunta. Primeiro, a jornalista estava mais identificada visualmente com a empresa do que o porta-voz, diluindo a sua própria imagem; depois, eu juro que passei o directo à espera que passasse alguém sem capacete em fundo, e na verdade passou, ou seja, não é realmente necessário usar o equipamento ali (ou então era um trabalhador temerário); a atitude do RP da empresa em levar duas revistas com um verbo positivo para a frente das câmaras foi deliberado, e faz parte do trabalho dele, mas acabou por transformar uma entrevista em que deveria ter sido mais questionado e pressionado num acto discursivo, muito também devido à sua atitude.

Resultado: SIC 0 – SECIL 2

O que fazer para evitar isto? Já não digo ter capacetes de protecção, mas dêem uns autocolantes com o símbolo do canal aos jornalistas para colar por cima dos logos nestes equipamentos. Instruam os jornalistas EM DIRECTO a não deixar o entrevistado a responder o que quer mas às perguntas que se estão a fazer. Os repórteres de imagem se vão trabalhar para uma zona industrial, ou de grande movimento, devem ter um assistente, nem que seja para o avisar de que forma é que se pode mover para captar outros planos e libertar-se das mensagens subliminares dos RPs.

Notícias Locais | Local News

Is Local News the Answer?

Vol. 61, No. 4

Na corrente edição do Nieman Reports, a questão que se põe é “Serão as notícias locais a resposta?“. A pergunta é sobre a sobrevivência dos media online. Alguns jornalistas partilham as suas experiências sobre trabalhos de âmbito local, mas com profunda influência na garantia das liberdades e direitos dos cidadãos, e do funcionamento correcto das instituições. Visto aqui : Notícias locais?

Outro exemplo da eficácia e da superioridade dos media locais sobre os media nacionais, foi a cobertura do Las Vegas Sun do incêndio no hotel Monte Carlo. Leiam tudo sobre este trabalho aqui :

Anatomy of a local breaking news story


Nieman Reports current edition raises the following question : Is local news the answer?” And the question is all about the survival of online media. Some reporters sahre their experience with assignments of local magnitude, but with a deep influence in the guarantee of citizens freedoms and rights, and also about their role as “the ever-vigilant watchdogover the correct functioning of institutions.

Another example of effectiveness and superiority of local media over national media was the coverage of the Las Vegas Sun of the fire at the Monte Carlo hotel. Read all about it here:

Anatomy of a local breaking news story


European Young Journalist Award


“Are you between 17 and 35 years old? Are you an active editor of a school or students’ media? A freelancer, trainee or intern of print or online media?

Have you recently published or are you about to publish an article dealing with current issues on EU enlargement? Register via the competition website and send us your article with the completed online entry form. Deadline is March 15th 2008!”


TED Talks

Vodpod videos no longer available.




TED significa Tecnologia, Entretenimento e Design. TED é uma praça pública onde pessoas destas três áreas são convidadas para falar durante 18 minutos sobre o que fazem, que desafios encontram, que desafios devemos enfrentar. Inspirador.

TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design. TED is a place where people from these three activities are invited for an 18 minute talk about what they do, which challenges they meet, which challenges we must face.Inspiring.


Conversas de bar | Bar Talk

Os blogs são como conversas de café (no original, bar) e não podem ser levadas tão a sério como as crónicas nos jornais, disse Simon Jenkins, antiho editor do The Times. De acordo com Jenkins , uma coluna num jornal é como escrever um “ensaio”, enquanto que escrever num blog é como “pousar a caneta, ir até ao café (bar, no original) e dizer ao gajo do lado o que é que realmente pensamos”.

“É a diferença entre escrever e uma conversa de café (bar), por isso é que não podemos muito a sério quem responde- é o tipo de pessoas que responderiam de volta numa conversa de café” (…coiso e tal…).

Eu trabalhei em cafés e bares,  e posso-vos dizer, há conversas que podem ser bem mais fascinantes que qualquer palestra na melhor universidade do mundo. É só preciso aprender a ouvir, e o que se pode aprender com o que se ouve.


Blogs are like ‘bar room chats’ and cannot be taken as seriously as newspaper columns, said Simon Jenkins  a former editor of The Times. According to Jenkins, a newspaper column is like writing “a collected essay”, while blogging is like “laying down your pen, going to the pub and telling the guy next to you what you really think”.

“It’s the difference between writing and a bar room chat, which is why I can’t take it terribly seriously who answers you back – it’s the sort of people you would get answering back in a bar chat.”

I’ve worked in bars, and i can tell you,  conversations can be far more fascinating than any lecture at the best of universities. You just have to learn how to listen, and what to take from it.

Guia para jornalismo do cidadão | Cit-J Guide

Download – Citizen Media: An Introduction (English, PDF, 489 KB)

Global Voices é um projecto global de jornalismo do cidadão sem fins lucrativos, criado na Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society. O seu objectivo é dar voz a pessoas comuns sobre sítios e situações sem visibilidade mediática.

Eles publicaram um pequeno guia para cidadãos jornalistas, com muitos recursos e dicas interessantes. Via New guide for citizen journalists ,por Mindy McAdams.

Global Voices Global Voices is a non-profit global citizens’ media project founded at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society. Their goal is to aggregate, curate, and amplify the global conversation online – shining light on places and people other media often ignore.

They published a useful guide for citizen journalists, with lots of tips and resources. Via New guide for citizen journalists , by Mindy McAdams.



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Janeiro 2008