
Links for the weekend | Links para o fim de semana

The Globe and Mail’s Matthew Ingram is sharing the workshop about Twitter he held for some of the journalists at the newspaper.

What makes a story memorable? Is it the plot; the setting; the characters; use of imagery and figurative language? Although these are standards in written stories, there are additional elements in visual storytelling that must be taken into account.

Stories originally were told orally – through words and gestures by common folk and master storytellers. The master storyteller used pacing of words and sentences, choice of words, facial expressions and gestures with arms and hands and even whole body movements to hold the audience’s attention.

via NewsVideographer (check the other tips here)

The media overall had a terrible year in 2008 with the newspaper and magazine segments being hit the hardest and the cable TV industry providing the single bright spot. Cable networks actually increased their newsroom investments by an average of 7% during the year, with CNN adding bureaus in 10 cities. This modest growth wasn’t nearly enough to make up for the huge cost cuts in other media, though. By the end of 2008, all three TV networks had pulled their embedded reporters from Iraq. Newspaper circulations continued to decline; Sunday readership is off 17% since 2001.

The biggest disaster was in news magazines, with only one in four Americans reporting they’ve read one the day before. Time, which invented the genre, may be the only one left pretty soon, the report says.

Me sumo al muy buen post de Tinta Digital que se ocupa de los Medios y los links. Esther Vargas, la autora, hace un repaso de varios análisis realizados por otros tantos periodistas. En resumen muestra su preocupación por el poco unos del hipervínculo que se hace desde los medios periodísticos digitales, no sólo hacia sitios externos, sino hacia su propio medio con artículos anteriores.

En el caso de Argentina, es más que evidente esta falta de interés en usar una de las herramientas más potentes y necesarias del periodismo on line: el enlace.

click and find out

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With all the different ways to present a news story online, many often ask how they should select the multimedia tool that is best for a particular story. There is never any concrete answer, but with the multimedia picker embedded below, you can at least have an idea of which technology will work best to showcase a story or idea.

The digital revolution is remaking the idea of civic engagement and re-connecting journalism to community is both a challenge and a promise

Digital media provide exciting tools for connecting people and millions are online in social networks discussing matters both important and trivial. Being a link in the network, rather than owning it, challenges journalists and news organizations to re-establish community connections they severed long before the Internet grabbed center stage. Partnerships of journalists and citizens hold promise for the future of news. But rather than asking if citizens can learn journalism, why not ask if journalists can learn civic engagement?

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