Posts Tagged ‘hacker


Multimedia Shooter: De regresso | Back from the dead

Boas notícias para os seguidores do Multimedia Shooter: Richard Koci Hernandez anunciou o regresso do blog, depois de este ter sido atacado por hackers. Ele até sabe quem foram os artistas, e se me pedirem a opinião, eu direi que umas palmadas não lhes fariam mal. Esta também é uma oportunidade para pensarmos até que ponto estão os nossos blogs protegidos. De qualquer forma, benvindo de volta.

Good news for all the Multimedia Shooter followers out there: Richard Koci Hernandezannounced the blog’s comeback, after being attacked by hackers.

He even knows who did it, and if you ask me, i’d say a bit of slapping around wouldn’t be that bad. This is also a chance to think on how protected our blogs are.

Anyway, welcome back.

I really didn’t know how much the site meant to people. It’s one of the reasons I’m going to buy a case of Red Bull and spend the next week rebuilding. This has been a humbling experience. All I ever wanted to do was share and help if I could. I’m glad the blog did that for some of you.


Richard Koci Hernandez,Update on Multimediashooter


via Oh, yay,Notes from a teacher


RIP Multimedia Shooter


Isto surpreendeu-me completamente: Richard Koci Hernandez teve que fechar o seu blog depois de uma série de ataques por parte de um hacker. Foram anos dedicados à partilha de conhecimentos sobre multimédia que foram por água abaixo, afectando todos nós que o referenciámos nos nossos próprios blogs. Ao Richard só posso mostrar a minha solidariedade e agradecimento por tudo o que pude aprender com os seus textos.

I was completely surprised with this: Richard Koci Hernandez had to shutdown his blog after a series of attacks performed by a hacker. Years dedicated to the sharing of multimedia knowledge that now are gone down the drain, affecting us all that referenced him in our own blogs. To Richard i just can express my solidarity and gratitude for all that i could learn from his posts.Now we have to keep track on our own.


I write this with a very heavy heart:

I am sorry to report that this website is down for the count. The site was recently hacked several

times this weekend and severe damage was done. I do not have the time or resources at this time to

continue. I wish you all the best. I only wish this hadn’t happened.

[To the ‘hacker’ I hope it makes you happy to destroy something that people put their

heart and soul into for years, for the sole purpose of learning and creating a small community

on the web. Just to have you destroy it for no reason. You win. There is a special place in hell for you.]

To those of you who supported the site over the years, THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

I don’t know what more to say, except, remember, it’s all about the STORY, not the TOOLS.


Posts no Lago que referem o MultimediaShooter | Posts at the Lake that refer MultimediaShooter

(Di)Video – Uma disputa | A Dispute


Como Contar uma História | Storytelling Tips

Livro | Book : Multimedia Journal

Notas para video | Notes for video folks

Tutoriais Multimédia | Multimedia Tutorials

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I moved | Mudei-me

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